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Election Details

As we have previously committed to, we are providing you with the details of the NLRB election process. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has provided us with the final election details and the list of job classifications that are included in the voting unit. If you have questions about your eligibility to vote in the upcoming election, please reach out to a member of our HR team.

You will now have the opportunity to vote in a secret ballot election to decide whether you wish the International Union, Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA) to be your exclusive bargaining representative for the purposes of negotiating the terms and conditions of your employment with Highland Hospital.  Below are more details about the election process and what you will be deciding.


  • The NLRB, a federal government agency, conducts the election.
  • The election will be held on August 13, 2024 in the Roberson Conference Room of Highland Hospital during the following times: 5:30am-7:30am and 4:00pm-6:00pm.
  • The NLRB will officially count the ballots after the polls close at 6:00pm on August 13, 2024. The results will be known shortly thereafter.


All of the following employees will be eligible to vote in the election:

All full-time, regular part-time, and per diem employees performing guard duties as defined in section 9(b)(3) of the National Labor Relations Act, employed by Highland Hospital at their facility located at 1000 South Avenue, Rochester, NY 14620, including employees in the following titles: Security Officer and Security Sergeant who were employed by the Employer during the payroll period ending July 13, 2024.

In order to be an eligible voter, a per diem employee must have worked an average of four (4) or more hours per week in the 13 weeks immediately preceding the eligibility date for the election. Per diem employees who do not satisfy this hours threshold are not eligible voters.

All professional employees, clerical, employees, confidential employees, managers, and supervisors as defined in the Act and all other employees are not eligible to vote.


As you are considering your vote, here are a few key points to remember:

  • Your vote is secret. No one other than you will know how you voted. The secret ballot election process will ensure your privacy is protected.
  • You have the right to vote “NO” – even if you signed a union card.
  • You should continue to gather information to inform this important decision.
  • Every vote is important to best represent the group. The outcome of the election is determined by a simple majority of only those who vote. This means a small handful of individuals could end up making the decision for all employees if you do not vote to make your voice heard.
  • For more information, make sure to visit


Because so much is at stake, we encourage you to continue gathering as much information as possible when making your decision. As we have said, our hope is that after giving it your full consideration you will agree that we are better off maintaining our current relationship and that our ability to work together directly is important and worth preserving. We remain confident that the best way to work through and overcome any challenge is to work through them together. Of course, ultimately, the decision is yours.

Additionally, as part of this process, we are required by law to provide the names, home addresses and, if available, personal emails and personal phone numbers of all eligible voters to the union.  Once the union receives this information it is free to contact you directly by mail, phone or a home visit.  Please keep in mind that if the union says that Highland Hospital provided it with your contact information, that we were required to do so by law and this was not our choice.

We would like to thank you for taking this very important issue seriously. The next several weeks will most likely be an intense time for everyone, but you have our commitment that we will communicate and act with respect, compassion and professionalism.



Steve Goldstein, President and CEO

Kathy Parrinello, Incoming President and CEO